必须[bì xū]
释义must;?necessary;?have to;?be obliged to;?gotta
读音:[ni' ses?ti]
其实在英语交流中,也有 "必须的" 这种口语的表达的方式。表示对已经实现或即将实现某件事情或目标的肯定看法。不过只是偶尔个别人使用,在英文交流中还不是流行语句。
“necessity” 和网络上广泛流传的"必须的"是同样的表达方式和意思。
必须对这些鸟称重,辨识雌雄并挂上标牌。The birds must be weighed, sexed and tagged.
孩子们必须参加一次严格的选拔测试。The children have to sit a tough selection test.
上层社会必须统治下层社会。The higher orders of society must rule the lower.
他们必须打破暴力循环。They must break out of the cycle of violence.
你不能直视它,必须遮住眼睛或索性闭上。You can't look directly into it; you've got to shade your eyes or close them altogether.
她不想被带去验光,因为结果可能是她必须配戴眼镜。She does not want to be taken to an optician with the probable result of having to wear glasses.
必须把儿童福利摆在首位。The child's welfare must be seen as paramount.
她打定主意必须像平时一样生活,遵循自己通常的作息规律,同时怀抱希望、虔诚祈祷。She had decided she must go on as usual, follow her normal routine, and hope and pray.
他把我们当作独立自主的个体来看待,认为我们必须学会在重大问题面前自己拿主意。He treated us as autonomous individuals who had to learn to make up our own minds about important issues.
包装食品必须列出食品成分。Packaged foods have to show a list of ingredients.